Mercedes lackey mind magic types
Mercedes lackey mind magic types

mercedes lackey mind magic types

He telepathically overhears thoughts blaming him for Tylendel's death. Vanyel begins recovering, but is unable to control his newly "opened" powers. Suffering from psychic and emotional damage, Vanyel is "chosen" by a Companion, Yfandes, who reassures him of her love and friendship and his worth. Tylendel commits suicide, and the backlash from the 'Gate' spell tears open Vanyel's dormant magic potential. Gala repudiates Tylendel and dies sacrificing herself to give time for Heralds to arrive to stop the massacre.

mercedes lackey mind magic types

Tylendel casts a complicated spell summoning deadly wyrsa to kill members of the enemy family. Using Vanyel's dormant energies Tylendel 'Gates' (teleports essentially) them to the enemy family. Not understanding Tylendel's trauma, Vanyel continues supporting him as he seeks revenge. Tylendel senses his brother's death and goes mad with grief. Staven, Tylendel's twin brother, is assassinated by a family enemy. Tylendel introduces Vanyel to Gala, his Companion one of the intelligent horse-like creatures that bond with Heralds. For the first time, Vanyel is truly happy. They become lovers and later find they are lifebonded, that is, soulmates. He learns that Tylendel is shay'a'chern, or homosexual. Vanyel develops feelings for Tylendel Frelennye, one of Savil's protégés. Feeling he has lost his dream, he becomes depressed. Vanyel finds schooling at Haven more suited to his nature, but is told he does not have the Bardic gift, and cannot become a true Bard. Savil has little interest in Vanyel because he has no psychic or magic powers, but realizes he is not as arrogant as Withen described. Withen sends Vanyel to school in Haven, the capital of Valdemar, under the supervision of Vanyel's aunt Savil. He is devoted to music and cultivating an elegant appearance. Vanyel Ashkevron, age sixteen, is the heir to a great estate, Forst Reach, though he does not measure up to what his father, Lord Withen, deems to be a "proper" man.

Mercedes lackey mind magic types